Which is really depressing...
The current Brexit arguments appear to be:
- The only way to control immigration is to leave the EU and regain control of our borders
- The only way to stop benefit tourism is to leave the EU
- We need to reclaim our sovereignty and have British laws for British people
- We need to escape from the waste and insane bureaucracy of the EU
- We can reclaim the £8.5bn a year that is the UK's net contribution to the UK (£7.9bn a year forecast from 2016-20 source Parliamentary briefing)
Well, let's take a look at some of these. "Immigration is undermining British society and the only way to control it is to leave the EU". The second half of that phrase has a shred of truth in it in that as an island nation it is easier for us to pull up the drawbridge and set our own rules if we leave the EU and withdraw from the collective responsibility to aid refugees fleeing wars that we helped to start. But the idea that immigration is undermining British society is utter nonsense. British society was built by immigration. We are a mongrel nation. Our comparative economic success and any growth over recent years is almost entirely funded by the population growth from immigration.
We need to stop benefit tourism. Don't be absurd! The number of EU nationals currently claiming JSA is c. 60,000 which is a number so small as to be almost statistically insignificant. Study after study has shown that immigrants to the UK are net contributors to our society (this one is quite easy to digest). This is an entirely fictitious bogeyman invented by the xenophobes to make you scared. The benefit scroungers if there are any (and the term is offensive in itself) are mostly indigenous (think Jeremy Kyle Show).
We need to reclaim sovereignty. Why? Can we be trusted with it? Distributing sovereignty across a wider base strikes me as quite a good way of ensuring that minority interests can't manipulate the system in their favour (either to the extreme left or the extreme right). In the main the regulation that has come with EU membership has been a good thing.
We need to escape the madness of straight bananas and absurd fishing restrictions. Yes the EU does have some silly rules. But so do all bureaucracies and the British are just as good at stupid and unnecessary regulations as anyone else. Think of it as the cost of doing business.
We pay more in than we get out. Let's reclaim the £8m a year that we pay into the EU. Let me come back to that one because I think that is the crux of the whole thing.
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What the EU thinks of the Brexit Debate Source (thanks to my aunt for sharing) |
But the thing that really depresses me are the reasons that the Better In Campaign have selected as being the best to win the argument. "More jobs, lower prices, safer streets", "A leap in the dark", "A decade of uncertainty". Well that's got me really excited and positive about Europe... See what I mean about greed and fear?
I know it's an ad hominem argument and I shouldn't.... But just look at the standard bearers for the Out campaign: Nigel Farage, Michael Gove, Christopher Grayling, Pritti Patel, The Daily Mail, The Sun...
There's more empathy and concern for other people in my toenail clippings than all of them put together.
And that brings us to the heart of it. Left to our own devices the English can be nasty, xenophobic and greedy with a side order of misplaced arrogance. Our membership of the United Kingdom and the European Union mitigates the worst of our character. By being part of these clubs we are forced to abide by some rules and show some concern for other people.
The reason that we should continue to pay roughly £8bn a year more into the EU than we get out is because we can. Because it has brought peace, stability, moderation, perspective, easier access to vitamin D and much much better food and wine.
We should stay in the European Union and the United Kingdom because doing so makes us better people!
There's more empathy and concern for other people in my toenail clippings than all of them put together.
And that brings us to the heart of it. Left to our own devices the English can be nasty, xenophobic and greedy with a side order of misplaced arrogance. Our membership of the United Kingdom and the European Union mitigates the worst of our character. By being part of these clubs we are forced to abide by some rules and show some concern for other people.
The reason that we should continue to pay roughly £8bn a year more into the EU than we get out is because we can. Because it has brought peace, stability, moderation, perspective, easier access to vitamin D and much much better food and wine.
We should stay in the European Union and the United Kingdom because doing so makes us better people!